Learn how to perfect seated marching with MS physiotherapist Dr Gretchen Hawley

Everyone who is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis knows that a specialised physiotherapy plan is the key to maintaining a better lifestyle. Often, these tailored schemes pin-point specific everyday movements that people with the condition find more difficult. 

Sometimes, people with an MS diagnosis find it difficult to lift their legs up. Without the strength and ability to do this, they can find it hard to get out of the car, up from a seat and everything in between. 

That’s why the seated marching exercise is so important! In this video, Dr Gretchen Hawley, a physical therapy expert who specialises in the management of MS patients and founder of the MSing Link, talks through the steps for marching properly.

The step-by-step guide will help you to perfect the movement now to make life easier in the future! 

If this has got you wanting more, Gretchen has also created a step-by-step guide to standing up from a chair. You can find the video here!

On Wednesday 27 March, we are hosting a webinar with Dr Gretchen Hawley on movement and exercise with chronic illnesses. You can sign up here!

If you or anyone you know is living with MS, check out our MS hub and talkhealth's myMS support programme for lots of expert-backed, actionable advice.

Information contained in this Articles page has been written by talkhealth based on available medical evidence. The content however should never be considered a substitute for medical advice. You should always seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands or treatments.

Information written by the talkhealth team

Last revised: 10 March 2021
Next review: 10 March 2024