British Skin Foundation

Dry, itchy skin on eyelids and scalp

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by sylviesinc on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:58 pm

Dry, itchy skin on eyelids and scalp

I have had Blepharitis ever since I had my cataracts out 5 years ago and manage it with wipes and liquid tears. Lately, however, my left eyelid has become red and itchy plus I have flaky patches on my scalp and in my outer ears (for which the doctor gave me cortisone cream that doesn't always work). I'm 69 and this year my skin has developed dry patches on my arms and legs, plus I can no longer wear my wedding, engagement and eternity rings because the finger becomes red, itchy and dry. What is happening to my skin? (I take an Omega 3 supplement daily and have today started to use a few drops of Tea Tree oil diluted in water to wipe my eyelids).

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by talkhealth on Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:37 am

Re: Dry, itchy skin on eyelids and scalp


Sorry to hear you are having troubles with your skin at the moment. We are running an online allergy clinic at the moment where there are a panel of experts who may be able to help. I will post your question within the adult allergy clinic here ... .php?f=881

In the meantime someone from our skin community may also be able to help.

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