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Scalp Acne

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:34 am
by judefire66uk
Hello all

I'm a 50+ female who suffers from Fibromyalgia, PCOS amongst other things so take 5 meds a day.

Since i became ill ( i was bitten by a tick in 2014 and contracted Lyme Disease) i have suffered from horrendous scalp acne as well as facial acne. I seem to have the facial acne fairly well under control but my scalp acne is not.
Due to always being hot i do sweat excessively from my head and face ( i have really short hair to combat this), could this be why i suffer mostly on my face and head?
My GP prescribed low dose Anti-bs which have a helped a bit but not that much...what other options can i ask him for?
If i could stop my excessive sweating maybe i would not have the issue?

Any advice, help or input would be gladly welcomed.


Re: Scalp Acne

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:54 pm
by talkhealth
Hi Judefire66uk

Thank you for your post.

I hope that some of our members will be able to provide some advice and assistance. Do have a look at our forum pages and our support programmes also for advice.

Please let us know how you get on.

Kind regards