Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?

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by HelsBels2102 on Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:22 pm

Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?

Hi there, I normally live in Ascot, so the South East, but go to university in Falmouth, Cornwall. When I'm back at home during the summer and even on the holidays my eczema goes or gets 10x better with only patches on my arms. A week ago and iv gone back to uni and within the first few days back the eczema on my arms has got considerably worse, as well as patches on my hands, eylids and round my mouth are starting to return. Could it be anything to do with the humidity of the area? It's been sunny and warm down here so it cant be just the winter. I also havent changed my diet considereably. Im still eating veg and healthy things so can't understand what it could be that's causing me to react so badley. Is areas of high humidity known to make ecsema worse? If so i'm going to deffinately invest in a dehumidifier as after being generally eczema free this summer i dont want to have a really bad time of it again for my last year of uni/ Anyone whos been in a similar situation advice would be appriciated. Cheers

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by Marcie Mom on Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:06 am

Re: Can being in Cornwall make my ecsema worse?

Hi there!

It's truly perplexing! Lots of other eczema sufferers are puzzled why their eczema improve at certain location tho all things remain unchanged. It's not one easy to figure out too - off the top of my head, pollen and house dust mite (different mattress/pillow). The other one is cat dander travels far, so not sure if that affects you e.g. your neighbor's cat. Humidity is equally tricky, too low/ i.e. dry, moisture is stripped from the skin. Too humid leads to mold/ promote house dust mite growth. If it's hot and humid, it's possible to trigger sensitivity to sweat esp wearing clothing that occlude too much. Certain bacteria/yeast/fungus also thrive in hot and humid.

Hopefully, you'd find out why soon! Take care,
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by ckbridgett on Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:10 pm

Re: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?

In clinic we regularly hear how going to Uni makes eczema worse! :(
We agree with Mei that student accommodation can be hazardous for those prone to atopic eczema, as it is difficult to keep clean. I have recently recommended that a patient is allocated a room without soft furnishings, to reduce her exposure to house dust.
Not so sure about the use of a humidifier - drying out the air will dry out the skin: not a good idea! This is what happens in cold weather...
Dr Christopher Bridgett
Consultant Psychiatrist ... idgett.php

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by dorronthedruggie on Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:35 am

Re: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?

hello :) i'm 16 this year and i'm also an eczema sufferer, i made a blog sharing my experience and what i did to make my condition better :)

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by ckbridgett on Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:53 pm

Re: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?

Thank you :) !
For more on Going to University with atopic eczema, see ... pic-eczema
Dr Christopher Bridgett
Consultant Psychiatrist ... idgett.php

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