Elidel & Side Effects

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by AnnaB on Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:27 pm

Elidel & Side Effects

My 3 year old has been using Elidel for the last year on and off. Good results, no problems. Then over the last week to ten days she has been waking every night in tears saying her hands are burning and hot. I only use the Elidel on her hands, and eye lids. Last night the penny dropped, she's never had a problem before but this burning pain was odd as she was not hot anywhere else. Then I dug the information sheet out of the box and burning is a side effect. Has anyone else suffered?? I expected it at the start of using the cream but not this far down the line. Do I swop to Protopic or back to steroids???
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by Hope on Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:44 am

Re: Elidel Side Effects??

hey Anna hi once again,, i didnt experience any burning sensation.. it must b in my early 20s then. hope ur son is better now. tc

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by Sammie on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:53 pm

Re: Elidel Side Effects??

Hi AnnaB,
I don't know if you are aware but you can use a product for years and years, then one day you can become allergic to it! It is that simple.
Same as with other allergies......ie hayfever.
I have suffered from that on and off for years....it's crazy.. :?

Maybe it's time for a change???

I wish your daughter well..x

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by AnnaB on Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:46 pm

Re: Elidel Side Effects??

Thank you, yes I am just reluctant to change as the next option is Protopic which is yet another step up in treatment which for her age at only 3 is massive. Her brother is on it with mixed results. She is having patch tests next week so I will get them to cover Elidel.
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by Sammie on Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:06 pm

Re: Elidel Side Effects??

I hope you get on well next week, when you visit the dermatologist.
Keep us posted?
Good luck. :D

I wish your children well..x

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by JulieR on Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:41 am

Re: Elidel & Side Effects

We had issues with Elidel as well. It would work for a bit then the excema would come back worse. There was one product that seemed to burn my daughter but it's been so long I can't remember if it was Elidel or not.

We finally just switched laundry, cleaning and personal care supplies and now my daughter, for the past 8 years has been basically excema free. The products are safer and cost much less than store bought products.

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