Hair Fall

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by andreaswift on Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:28 am

Hair Fall

I am just 24 year old and i have problem of hair loss since a year. I think its due to change of water and place. Also i used many varieties of shampoo which also can be one of the cause for this. I am looking for treatment and planning to visit doctor soon. Any suggestions?

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by shaillythomas on Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:20 pm

Re: Hair Fall

hair transplant is a way to gain loss hair but there are lots of natural ways to gain loss hair,it takes time but very effective and has no side effect


by esoledolu on Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:28 am

Re: Hair Fall


Sorry to hear about your symptoms. Have you been to see the doctor since you last posted?

I would suggest you read our patient journey for Hair Loss, where you can find the right information and charity partners who may be able to help: ... r_loss.php


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by rajithp105 on Wed May 23, 2018 5:34 am

Re: Hair Fall

These are the some treatments that I would suggest for your hair fall.

PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma): In this, we take the blood sample then keep inside a centrifugal to increase the number of platelets in the plasma, When It gets increased 5-6 times of normal platelet count. Get injected into the scalp.

LHT(Laser Hair Therapy): In this, Low wave length laser is used to stimulate hair growth and convert resting phase of hair to active phase. laser(Light energy) improve their regenerating power and they regain their health.

Medication(Supplements): Iron, calcium, multi vitamins, essential amino acids, biotin are helpful to delay hair fall and improve the quality of hairs.

Mesotherapy: Application of derma roller along with hair product of individual doctor choice.

Hair Serums: Good quality hair serums are helpful up to some extent.

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by peterson on Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:51 am

Re: Hair Fall

Green tea revives hair follicles and empowers hair creation, it additionally upgrades your digestion which at last prompts expanded rate of hair development, simply condition your hair with green tea arrangement and notice the change...

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by ericpartlu on Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:10 am

Re: Hair Fall

There are various causes of hair loss, but the changing lifestyle and pollution are one of the main causes. Many of us are suffering from hair fall problems in the early 20s and by the end of our college life clear bald area starts showing on our head. It can be cured with medication and proper care, but before that we have to find the exact cause of the problem. The most common causes of hair loss are:
• Hypothyroidism
• Any Genetic disorders
• Infectious diseases such as herpes, leprosy and tuberculosis
• Skin diseases such as Lichen Planus and DLE

I suggest you to use some home remedies if you are suffering from mild hair loss and recommend to visit a good clinic for hair analysis and treatment, if rate of hair fall is higher.

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by RachelThorpe on Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:23 am

Re: Hair Fall

Hair loss is a common problem among people. You can try these natural home remedies:

Amla oil is the very easiest natural remedy for hair loss. It can be prepared by boiling pieces of almonds in coconut oil which is considered to be the best hair tonic.
Make a paste from hot olive oil, honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and apply before taking bath, leave foe 15 – 20 minutes.
Simple and easiest – apply same quantity of fresh amla and lime juice as a shampoo which stimulates the growth and prevents hair loss.

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by drrajindersingh on Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:40 am

Re: Hair Fall

There are more than one reason for hair fall. Poor diet, depression and sometimes genetics could be the major reason for your hair fall. You can contact any good dermatologist for your hair fall problem.

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by johnsimon on Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:50 pm

Re: Hair Fall

I'd really suggest that you go see a doctor pretty soon if you've not already done so.
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by on Sun May 26, 2024 9:47 am

Re: Hair Fall

It's tough dealing with hair loss at a young age, but it's great that you're taking proactive steps to address it. Changing water and environment can indeed affect hair health, as can using different shampoos. Seeing a doctor is a wise move to get personalized advice and treatment options.

In the meantime, consider gentle hair care practices like using a mild shampoo and avoiding excessive heat styling or harsh treatments. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support overall hair health.

Remember, you're not alone in this, and seeking professional guidance is a positive step towards finding a solution. Keep taking care of yourself, and I hope you find a treatment plan that works well for you!

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