Thyroid problems??
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:54 pm
Hi there,Never thought of this little gland until I began to have swelling in my neck.Sent for an ultrasound and found to have 6 solid nodules (4-8mm,the biggest is 8mm so too small to biopsy) and a coarse texture to my thyroid.My TSH was 4.3 and I was positive for TPO antibodies(125).
Have been having periods of throat and eyes swelling (neck looks thicker) along with an unnatural tiredness where I could just sleep and sleep (not like me at all)and so many muscle and joint aches.Also losing loads of hair in the shower.
I then improve for a while,had bloods done then,my TSH was 1.9.
Over Christmas had another bout of tiredness so had my bloods checked again,TSH up to 5.3.Free T4 is 12.TPO antbodies 140.
Was sent to a consultant and just saw a medical team member who told me my symptoms had nothing to do with my thyroid and to just check my levels once a year and to only worry about the nodules if one suddenly became bigger than the others.
I also have pernicious anaemia,on the injections for a year.
Ferritin is 5 at moment with low iron despite being on iron supplements for over a year.
What do I do now?,just feeling like all I can do is wait for my thyroid to self destruct.
Thank You.
Have been having periods of throat and eyes swelling (neck looks thicker) along with an unnatural tiredness where I could just sleep and sleep (not like me at all)and so many muscle and joint aches.Also losing loads of hair in the shower.
I then improve for a while,had bloods done then,my TSH was 1.9.
Over Christmas had another bout of tiredness so had my bloods checked again,TSH up to 5.3.Free T4 is 12.TPO antbodies 140.
Was sent to a consultant and just saw a medical team member who told me my symptoms had nothing to do with my thyroid and to just check my levels once a year and to only worry about the nodules if one suddenly became bigger than the others.
I also have pernicious anaemia,on the injections for a year.
Ferritin is 5 at moment with low iron despite being on iron supplements for over a year.
What do I do now?,just feeling like all I can do is wait for my thyroid to self destruct.
Thank You.