Hypothyroidism and Gastroparesis

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by maryfran33 on Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:13 am

Hypothyroidism and Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis has to do with slow gastric emptying. What is the incidence of this symptom and hypothyroidism? Will increasing the thyroid hormone replacement dose alleviate this type of gastrointestinal problem?

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Dr Petros Perros
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by Dr Petros Perros on Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:48 am

Re: Hypothyroidism and Gastroparesis

hypothyroidism slows down transit through the large bowel and can cause constipation. Gastroparesis is a dramatic combination of symptoms from failure of the stomach to empty and is not associated with hypothyroidism. It is encountered most frequently in clinical practice in patients with long-standign diabetes when there is damage to the nerve supply to the stomach. Manipulating the dose of thyroxine is unlikely to be helpful.
Dr Petros Perros
Consultant Endcorinologist

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by maryfran33 on Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:51 pm

Re: Hypothyroidism and Gastroparesis

Thank you for your quick reply, Dr. Perros.

There are many studies indicating that hypothyroidism affects the entire gastrointestinal system and causes hypomotility. Perhaps the hypomotility is not full-blown gastroparesis, but there can definitely be slower gastric motility. This makes sense to me since hypothyroidism is a metabolic disease.

My question is: would increasing the thyroid hormone replacement dose be helpful in increasing stomach motility?

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