Does the Protein bar helps in Weight loss or not?

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by Rennetmicelle on Sat May 15, 2021 7:03 pm

Does the Protein bar helps in Weight loss or not?

I have been eating protein bars since the last week. Does this will help in lossing my weight or not. If some is can guide me or tell me what to do. I have been eating this Rennet & Micelle Proteins bars they say these are the best protein bars and have 22g of protein in there one protein bar. Is it good or bad. :)

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by MissCandyGirl on Wed May 19, 2021 8:26 am

Re: Does the Protein bar helps in Weight loss or not?

As long as you're eating correctly to lose weight, then I see no problem with using protein bars to lose weight. But you can't eat them alone: you need your fruit and veg to keep up your energy, so you can exercise and lose weight. You'll become super-fit, too.

BUT don't overdo the exercise: because if you injure yourself, you'll not be able to continue to exercise. You do need to go into it gently and slowly. Yes: it's boring, but if you rush into exercise, your body could sustain an injury, leaving you unable to work out.

Back to your diet: use common sense and don't trust any quick fixes. Weight will stay off if you lose it nice and slow.

I do hope I've helped!

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by Richardxavier9 on Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:11 am

Re: Does the Protein bar helps in Weight loss or not?

yes, I say. But you have to take a lot of precautions.
You need to have proper diet plans. and must be doing regular exercise. You should take a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Regarding the best protein bars currently, I am taking Alani Nu Fit Snacks Protein Bar. There are also other better options but it depends on your budget.
Hope this helped you.

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