Allergies / stress

talkhealth is teaming up with a team of experts from the British Skin Foundation to answer your questions on psychodermatology. The clinic is open from 26th to the 29th February.
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by Guest Posts on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:55 pm

Allergies / stress

I have bright red edging my lower eyelid, I don't know if it is due to high stress or allergies.
Any advice would be welcome and appreciated.

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professor andrew r thompson
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by professor andrew r thompson on Fri Mar 01, 2024 4:23 pm

Re: Allergies / stress

Hello Tania, with any change in your physical or emotional health it is worth seeking a consultation. It is possible that you might have a treatable condition that your GP can quickly prescribe to address. However, as you also mention stress, it would be worth being open with your GP about this and also if this is a significant issue for you then it might be worth considering accessing either self-help resources or NHS services (see some of the links elsewhere in my clinic responses). With kind thoughts, Andrew (Prof Thompson)
Dr Andrew Thompson
Registered Clinical and Registered Health Psychologist - DClinPsy., C.Psychol., AFBPsS., DipCAT., FHEA., BA(Hons) ... ompson.php

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by gayleharris on Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:17 am

Re: Allergies / stress

It could be because of stress or allergies bothering your eyes. Try some relaxation methods like deep breathing and consider using over-the-counter allergy drops. Keep your eyes clean, use moisturizing drops, and try cool compresses for comfort. Also, how long has it been since you first saw signs of redness on your eyelid?

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