Does it get better or worse?

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by Wheezy on Tue May 22, 2012 5:10 pm

Does it get better or worse?


I am an adult with asthma. I wonder if it will get better or worse as i get older. I don't smoke and try to exercise most if not every day. Sometimes this is hard to do if my asthma is playing up i.e. if i have been ill or rundown, around smoke or pollution or in cold weather. I think my asthma is improving and gradually (with the approval of my asthma nurse) reduce my preventer inhaler then i am around one of my triggers and it puts me back about 10 steps.

I wonder what the future holds for me and my asthma. I am currently back on full dosage of inhalers (2 puffs twice a day and blue inhaler when needed) until it is back under control.


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by AtopicGirl on Thu May 31, 2012 11:53 pm

Re: Does it get better or worse?

I wish I could give you an easy answer, but it's impossible to know with asthma. Mine has gotten better and worse at times. I've had asthma since I was a child and am now in my 30s. In some ways, my asthma is better now, because it's under control. However, I take more medications now than I did when I was younger. Since I take my controller medication as recommended, I find I don't have to use my rescue inhaler very often. Triggers like tobacco smoke and pets can also set me back and take me a few days to get over. I'm much more sensitive to the former than I was as a teenager and young adult. It sounds like you're doing everything you can, such as consulting with an asthma nurse.
Tristan (AtopicGirl)!/AtopicGirl
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and any support given should be discussed with your doctor.

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by Kate99 on Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:39 am

Re: Does it get better or worse?

Hi AtopicGirl,

You say that some triggers set you back and take you a few days to get over. What do you do to help yourself recover? An allergy specialist on one of the online clinics on here said that eucalyptus used together with prescribed medication can help. I haven't used it yet but i wonder if it situations like that it might help and i just wondered if you had any tips or advice.


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