Damaging skin condition

BSF and talkhealth are teaming up to offer an online expert clinic on lichen sclerosus.

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by JayMay21 on Mon May 10, 2021 11:08 pm

Damaging skin condition

Thank you in advance for your help as I am finding it very difficult to access appropriate medical help.
Due to Covid, consultations are telephonic and referrals are around a 35 week wait. I tried the Urgent Care clinic at my local hospital but was seen and told I needed to be referred to a dermatologist/ gynaecologist so ... round in circles.

Any idea of what is wrong and advice on getting help will be most gratefully received as something is badly wrong and I am very worried and not at all well.

I have developed a skin condition. Is this lichen schlerosis?

A white layer is covering my skin, in all areas, head to foot. Up close the white layer appears to be white hairlike structures with black centres and it seems to 'grow' and 'bridge' by the day. My skin has taken on a grey appearance under this layer.
My skin is not itchy, it is sticking together where it touches e.g. underside of breasts, inner and outer labia. There is a smell on my skin, which reminds me of something like a herb, e.g. basil. My blood also now has an odd smell, different from before.

This condition is now in my eyes, ears and my nose is particularly badly affected! It is in my hair and on my scalp too.

I am getty nasty sores, many on my face, as wellas arms, legs, bottom, torso. The sores form very odd scabs and are causing a lot of damage to my skin and are painful.

Especially in genital area there are white small round chunks covering my skin with white and thick branching white lines that join up with the white bits and also brown areas with darker dots in lines. It is getting much worse near my bottom.
My vulva has shrunk considerbly in size, at least by half I would say. The edges of my labia becomegery under the white layer, then 'disintegrate' at the edges resulting in significant loss of tissue.

... my skin is sticking together where it touches e.g. underside of breasts, inner and outer labia.

I am becoming very stressed and would be very grateful for advice to return my skin to normal.
I have many photosif I am permitted to post them.
Inner thighs, near bottom
Inner thighs, near bottom
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Dr Jane Sterling
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue May 07, 2019 2:16 pm

by Dr Jane Sterling on Thu May 13, 2021 2:58 pm

Re: Damaging skin condition

Thank you writing in with what sounds like a worrying problem. From your description and the pictures, this does not sound like lichen sclerosus, as this rarely affects such a variety of body areas. It may be a different sort of skin problem or perhaps something affecting the whole body.
I suggest that you persist with your GP who will be able to see you if needed.
Dr Jane Sterling

http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... erling.php

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