
Clinical experts, including Dr Jamal Hayat, and Julie Thompson, will be available from 12-23 April to answer questions on issues surrounding bowel incontinence, bowel cancer, constipation, IBS and any other bowel issues.

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by Guest Posts on Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:19 pm


I have recently started a new eating regime in an attempt to reverse my insulin resistance. The diet has been going quite well, even some weight loss but the constipation is an issue. I drink plenty, I eat raw veg and salads. It's now getting to the point of looking for things to bring on my IBS just to move my bowels.
Is there anything else I could try?
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Julie Thompson
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by Julie Thompson on Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:27 pm

Re: Constipation


Thanks for getting in touch and that is a really good question and well done on your weight loss so far. It is quite common for some people to get constipated when trying weight reducing diets and it is probably worth considering the type of fibre that you are eating - salads are great for getting variety in the diet but weight for weight probably provide less 'bulk' of fibre than wholegrain starch carbohydrates (in other words salad leaves don't weigh much therefore you would have to eat a lot of them compared with a portion of wholegrain carbohydrates to get the same amount of fibre in your diet.)

With regards to IBS I would avoid any foods containing large amounts of wheat bran as this can make symptoms worse but opt for foods that are suitable for most people with IBS such as oats, wholegrain rice, potatoes with the skins on and you can add rice bran to increase the fibre content of dishes if you wish. Remember to increase your fibre intake slowly even with these better tolerated versions to allow your bowel to adjust to a new level. There is also some evidence that kiwi fruit - 2 a day - can be really helpful for constipation and this is a fruit that is suitable for most people with IBS. If you eat them with the skin on this can provide a third more fibre than without the skin - just remember to give them a wash first! They are similar in the way they work in the bowel to prunes - but don't give most people with IBS symptoms. Other options are increasing exercise or activity as this can be good for constipation. If you are really struggling with your diet you can ask to see a dietitian in the NHS through your GP.

Also for some people where lifestyle factors have not helped then laxatives can be useful and there are a number of new ones available that you could ask you doctor about

Please see Guts UK information on IBS here ... -syndrome/ and there is some more information on diets and IBS here ... deo-guide/.
I hope this helps!
Kind regards

Julie Thompson
Gastroenterology Specialist Dietitian - BSc (Hons) Dietetics ... ompson.php

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by catz1963 on Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:12 pm

Re: Constipation

Thanks for the reply but I am on a low carb diet as it is the best diet to help reverse my insulin resistance and its helping.
So pasta ,bread, starchy veg are all no no's. I believe my constipation is due to the lack of carbs and increased fat in the diet not a lot in my gut to absorb fluids no matter how much I drink. I am also allergic to a lot of fruit acids. I have to take allergy meds to enable me to have a raspberry yogurt.
I made a fruit and nut bar with pea nuts and chopped nuts and Almonds along with shredded coconut and a small amount of dried fruit. This was always a recipe to get me going and it has helped. I also allowed myself half a banana twice a week and I now take a micro-biotic drink every morning. The situation has improved but still not perfect. Raw vegetables always used to help keep me regular but don't seem to work any more but I still eat them.
If I eat any bread it tends to be whole meal rolls or Oat and Barley loaf. but it is limited as it is a big carb.

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Julie Thompson
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by Julie Thompson on Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:30 pm

Re: Constipation

Hi catz1963

I see the difficulty here now you have explained more and I understand the reason for your constipation. It might be worth seeing if you can get a referral to a diabetes dietitian who can give you advice with regards to the insulin resistance and recommend a balanced approach to your diet - this may include lower levels of carbohydate, of course - they are the specialists in this area (I am not :D) and they could perhaps help you with the constipation too. Your GP can refer you.

I wouldn't advise low carbohydrate diets for general health as they result in constipation and are not great for long term gut health but you have specific situation (so need specific tailored advice - hence the need for a one to one!)

I hope that helps
Kind regards

Julie Thompson
Gastroenterology Specialist Dietitian - BSc (Hons) Dietetics ... ompson.php

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