
Post your psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis-related questions for our experts.

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by Whitedove on Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:22 pm


I am 55 and have had psoriasis since I was 7 years old.
I have had various steroid creams, emollients and light treatment. I use coal tar soap and oily additives in the bath.
At present, I am using dovobet gel which is very greasy, messy and time consuming.
What, if anything can I try, that isn't messy, isn't a steroid and is easy to use, please :roll:

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Dr Nevianna Bordet
Posts: 66
Joined: Wed May 06, 2020 12:27 pm

by Dr Nevianna Bordet on Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: psoriasis

The way your psoriasis is treated will depend on the severity, extent, distribution etc so it is hard to give you specific advice. However, I tell all my patients that although creams, gels, lotions and ointments are greasy and messy, they are the safest way to treat psoriasis. Light treatment (known as phototherapy) increases your risk for skin cancer in the future and often only works while you are having it with the psoriasis often returning quickly once it is stopped. If you have more extensive disease then systemic treatments (tablets or injections) can be used. However, these can have side-effects and often need regular monitoring (bloods, chest x-ray etc) to ensure they do not cause any other damage to you. The most effective topical preparations are often steroid based and as psoriasis causes the skin to thicken, if used appropriately we do not often worry too much about skin thinning. There is a newer preparation of Dovobet that is called Enstilar and comes in a foam spray that many patients prefer to the gel or ointment. Perhaps you could discuss this with your GP or dermatologist?
Dr Nevianna Bordet
Consultant Dermatologist ... bordet.php

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