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Can alopecia come and go?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:56 pm
by Guest Posts
I've suffered from hair loss for about 14 years now and it started after I gave birth to my 1st daughter. My hair eventually stopped falling but never grew back as to pre pregnancy.
A few weeks ago I literally woke up with a bald patch on one side of my head and I'm really freaking out. I had a full blood test done last month, thyroid included and all came back good.
My question is can alopecia come and go? My hair has been really thin for years but I've never had a bald patch before. I had a few stressful events recently and back in March I had a really heavy period and I noticed my nails were pale afterwards hence why I had the full blood test as I thought I was anemic. Blood test shows no anemia. Could stress cause this? I suffer from severe health anxiety. Please find attached a photo of my hair loss. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.


Re: Can alopecia come and go?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:25 pm
by Dr Nevianna Bordet
You are describing 2 different kinds of Alopecia. The hair loss you experienced after pregnancy sounds like telogen effluvium and is quite common. However, it usually recovers within a few months. The recent bald patch would fit more with Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune condition that is not related to your previous episode of hair loss. Patients with Alopecia Areata often experience recurrent patches of hair loss that spontaneously grow back within a few months. Blood tests are usually normal as in your case. Treatment with a potent topical steroid preparation can help to speed up the hair growing back so it is worth seeing your GP or a Dermatologist if the hair is not growing back.

Re: Can alopecia come and go?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:10 pm
by Djenny26
Hi thank you soo much for your reply. Can i ask if i can purchase a topical steroid over the counter as its really hard to get an appointment with a gp atm. Many thanks once again. Davina