Sensitive bladder

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:46 pm

Sensitive bladder

I have such an extremely sensitive bladder, that everything I eat or drink seems to affect it instantly and makes it sore. I do not drink tea or coffee or other things except water or milk for this reason. Eating fruit affects it badly because of the acid in fruit.
I find if it gets inflamed, that seems to lead to leakage. If it settles down, no leakage then.
What can I do to make it less sensitive to becoming inflamed from eating or drinking normal things. It rules my life.
Thank you, Karen
talkhealth team on behalf of a guest visitor

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Mr Chris Harding
Posts: 61
Joined: Wed May 16, 2018 9:35 am

by Mr Chris Harding on Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:34 pm

Re: Sensitive bladder

Have you tried to make the urine more alkaline - commercially available sachets are available from most pharmacies. Other options include taking a medication like Cimetidine which acts on the histamine receptor system - this will need to be prescribed. If you have tried simple measures then seek a referral to a urologist.
Mr Chris Harding
Consultant Urological Surgeon ... arding.php

Bear Face
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by Bear Face on Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:29 pm

Re: Sensitive bladder

Thankyou very much for your reply. I found it very helpful. I will try the things you suggested. I really appreciate your indulgence. Kind regards , Karen

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