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Hot flashes

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:46 pm
by amisfitlife
I just started having hot flashes. Is their anything that helps with them?

Re: Hot flashes

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:00 am
by talkhealth
Hi amisfitlife,

Sorry to hear about your hot flushes. Please find some information here that may help you:

We also have a free menopause support programme which is very helpful and covers areas such as hot flushes. Please find the programme here:

Kind regards

Re: Hot flashes

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:16 am
by Blairetry_towrites
amisfitlife wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:46 pm
I just started having hot flashes. Is their anything that helps with them?
Hot flushes or severe hot flushes usually affect women who are approaching the menopause and are caused by changes in your hormone levels affecting your body's temperature control. It can happen without warning throughout the day and night.

Sometimes, there can be triggers for hot flashes that make flashes occur more frequently. If you can identify triggers for hot flashes that affect you, then those triggers for hot flashes can be avoided, and your hot flashes will be reduced. This article will explore triggers for hot flashes and discuss what can be done to avoid these triggers in an effort to reduce hot flashes and regain control of a symptom that often seems out of control.

Here are some triggers forsevere hot flashes:

1. Caffeine
2. Alcohol
3. Spicy foods
4. Hot temperatures
5. Stress and anxiety
6. Smoking
7. Obesity

There can be different causes for severe hot flashes and no two women will respond exactly the same. Recognizing and avoiding triggers is one important part to relieving hot flashes. There are also supplements and medications—both prescription and over the counter—that can safely treat hot flashes and greatly improve the quality of life for those who suffer from them.

Re: Hot flashes

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:47 am
by athena123456
Hot flashes are a common symptom experienced by many women, especially during menopause. They are characterized by a sudden feeling of heat that spreads over the body, accompanied by sweating, flushed skin, and sometimes a rapid heartbeat. Hot flashes can vary in intensity and duration, and their frequency can also vary from person to person.

While the exact cause of hot flashes is not fully understood, they are believed to be related to hormonal changes, particularly a decrease in estrogen levels. Estrogen plays a role in regulating body temperature, and when its levels fluctuate, it can disrupt the body's temperature regulation, leading to hot flashes.

Here are some strategies that may help manage hot flashes:

Dress in layers: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing that can be easily adjusted or removed to help regulate body temperature when a hot flash occurs.

Keep cool: Use fans or air conditioning to keep the room temperature cool. Use cold compresses or take a cool shower when a hot flash strikes.

Relaxation techniques: Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga can help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Avoid triggers: Identify any triggers that may worsen hot flashes, such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and hot beverages. Try to minimize or avoid these triggers.

Hormone therapy: In some cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be recommended by a healthcare professional to alleviate hot flashes. HRT involves taking medications containing hormones, such as estrogen, to help balance hormone levels and reduce symptoms. However, HRT is not suitable for everyone, and the decision should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Regular exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help regulate hormones, improve overall well-being, and potentially reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week.

Herbal remedies: Some women find relief from hot flashes by using certain herbal remedies, such as black cohosh or evening primrose oil. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these remedies varies, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before trying them.

If hot flashes are significantly affecting your quality of life or if they persist despite trying self-care measures, it's important to seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can provide further guidance, evaluate your specific situation, and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs.

Re: Hot flashes

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:38 am
by sabika.hassan
Hot flashes can be really tough and cause immense physical and mental distress. The worst part is that there's nothing you can do to stop menopausal hot flashes for good - you gotta wait for them to go away on their own. But on the upside, there's a lot you can do to alleviate the symptoms and continue being your wonderful self without letting hot flashes get in your way.

First of all, you need to focus on what's causing the intense heat coursing through your body. Are there any foods that trigger menopausal hot flashes? Is your room/home too stuffy? Do you often wear warm clothes? Do you live in a hot environment/location? All these factors contribute to hot flashes. So identify your triggers and work on them.

For instance, start wearing loose clothes to let the air through. Make sure the fabric is soft and breathable. Your home/work environment should be well-ventilated. It's also necessary to keep your bedroom cool at night otherwise it may interfere with your sleep. Nighttime is worst for hot flashes so ensure your room is cool.

Also try massaging with soothing essential oils. They have incredible powers to help with the heat and help you relax. Apply some oil on your neck and head to reduce the hot flashes. Some popular essential oils include black cohosh, ylang-ylang, clary sage, peppermint, lavender and citrus.

It's also critical to remain hydrated. You may need to carry a water bottle with you whenever you're out and get reminders on your phone to drink water. Another tip is to try cold water therapy. Whenever you experience hot flashes, get into a cold shower and run your face and hands under cold water. The effects last for several hours.

Hope these tips help!

All these tips and tricks and science-backed and completely safe. Check them out, see what works best for you and share them with other women. <3 :)