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Serious bouts of cystitis

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:26 pm
by Guest Posts
I seem to suffer from serious bouts of cystitis......would really like to know a remedy for the prevention rather than a course of antibiotics for the cure?
- D

Re: Serious bouts of cystitis

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:24 pm
by Mr Sachin Malde

Many people suffer from recurrent bouts of cystitis, and before trying any further medicatons I would recommend an evaluation with a urologist to make sure there is no other physical reason for you to be having such frequent infections. Providing this is normal, then there are ways that you can reduce the chances of infections coming back, hopefully meaning less anitbiotic use. General measures include probiotic drinks to replenish the 'good bacteria' in your gut (which is where the bacteria that cause cystitis typically come from), drinking good volumes of water and emptying your bladder regularly, and cranberry tablets (doesn't work for everyone and the evidence is mixed but some patients find it helps). Another supplement that has been reported to have good results in certain patients is D-Mannose, and your doctor may also be able to prescribe a medication that helps to get rid of bacteria by acidifying the urine (called methenamin hippurate). Depending on your specific situation there may be other things we could also recommend specifically for you, and if the problem is bothering you then I would recommend seeing a specialist so we can discuss things further.