Bowel Problems

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by Guest Posts on Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:12 pm

Bowel Problems

My husband has had bowel problems all his life. He was diagnosed as having a floppy bowel. This of course has caused him problems emptying his bowel. A couple of years ago, we went to the GP as he had a rather large stomach and I thought he was badly constipated. The GP examined him and told us that the stomach wall had erupted (Hernia) and that the bowel had started to come through. Nothing was done. Recently my husband went back at my insistence as the stomach had become huge and was told the bowel was completely through the stomach wall and that is what I saw when my husband laid down. The GP said there was nothing to be done, unless he was in a lot of pain and discomfort as they did not like to operate unless needed. My husband is 71 and is already very depressed and has been for a long time. This situation is not helping and he feels ugly and it is not helping with the situation of not going to the toilet (it has made him much worse in spite of medication). Can you offer any advice, as we are desperate.
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Dr Jamal Hayat
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by Dr Jamal Hayat on Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:12 pm

Re: Bowel Problems

There are a number of different kinds of hernias. a hiatus hernia is where the stomach starts to protrude into the chest. These are extremely common and can be associated with 'indigestion' - symptoms such as heartburn caused by stomach acid coming into chest. More often then not they do not need to be treated with surgery.
However I am not sure if this is the kind of hernia you are referring to as there are different kinds. Other kinds of hernia eg inguinal hernia where a weakness in the abdominal wall allow parts of the bowel to protrude forward. Operations such as repair of a hernia can be associated with certain risks so this has to be borne in mind when considering whether surgery is the right choice - particularly if the main reason is cosmetic. However seeking a second opinion is not unreasonable - perhaps by consulting with a general surgeon who can assess and explain to you your options in more detail.
Dr Jamal Hayat
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by scousescorpion on Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:09 pm

Re: Bowel Problems

Dear Sir

Thank you for your answer. The hernia is a inguinal hernia, and I am not talking about it from a cosmetic point of view. This problem is having a real impact on the situation of an already bowel problem (floppy bowel). My husband finds it even more difficult to go to the toilet.The bowel has come completely out and is just under the skin. My worry is that he will not be able to go at all. We will seek a second opinion in this matter.

Thanking you for your help.

Yours sincerely
Mrs Hazel Blackbourn

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