Search found 44 matches
- Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:12 am
- Forum: acne
- Topic: Adult Acne
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5382
Re: Adult Acne
It is important that you say your issues " would only be considered mild " - and " this is affecting my confidence and my conduct ", because a mild skin condition is definitely a major problem for some of us, and needs to be taken seriously and properly tackled. Stress makes matt...
- Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:40 am
- Forum: eczema & dry skin
- Topic: Ezcema Problems on Feet
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4710
Re: Ezcema Problems on Feet
The long and short of it is that nothing can heal while it is being scratched. The skin needs 3 weeks of absolutely no scratching to allow it to heal. Steroid creams and moisturiser will help this, but it is eventually no scratching that will heal. Very tough, I know, but essential. Dr Webberley Ha...
- Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:59 am
- Forum: vitiligo
- Topic: Lack of information and support
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4070
Re: Lack of information and support
Hello Kerry Vitiligo is a depressing illness and you deserve a better deal! As a next step I suggest you get advice from The Vitiligo Society: - they will guide you and offer support I am sure. Phototherapy should be available throughout the country, but some places...
- Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:07 am
- Forum: psoriasis & psoriatic arthritis
- Topic: Driven mad with Psoriasis
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6121
Re: Driven mad with Psoriasis
Thank you both for your replies. I will ask my doctor to refer me again to a dermatologist. I have also put my name down for a two day stress management course. I do realise that because I suffer from depression that this probably makes the psoriasis worse. I would be interested to know if you feel...
- Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:51 am
- Forum: psoriasis & psoriatic arthritis
- Topic: Driven mad with Psoriasis
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6121
Re: Driven mad with Psoriasis
:( Very sorry to hear about your life with psoriasis. The physical treatments for psoriasis can be very effective, but when this is not the case having a review of the psychological side of things may be important. There is now much research evidence that better results in treating psoriasis are ach...
- Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:31 am
- Forum: general
- Topic: Lichen Simplex
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3030
Re: Lichen Simplex
Hey J Great question. I have been often asked to help with the treatment of lichen simplex - a patch or scattered patches of itchy skin that get scratched and rubbed so much that the skin thickens up with what is called "lichenification" (see below* for more on this). Treatment with emolli...
- Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:14 am
- Forum: eczema & dry skin
- Topic: try everythink nothing works
- Replies: 5
- Views: 4900
Re: try everythink nothing works
Hey Amy Good that you contact the clinic with this as there is a lot that will help you and there is no need to give up and get depressed! I suggest you start of by finding out more about atopic eczema from your GP: ask for some extra time with someone at the surgery to take you through the basics s...
- Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:53 pm
- Forum: general eczema discussions
- Topic: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5396
Re: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?
Thank you !
For more on Going to University with atopic eczema, see ... pic-eczema
For more on Going to University with atopic eczema, see ... pic-eczema
- Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:10 pm
- Forum: general eczema discussions
- Topic: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 5396
Re: Can being in Cornwall make my eczema worse?
In clinic we regularly hear how going to Uni makes eczema worse! :( We agree with Mei that student accommodation can be hazardous for those prone to atopic eczema, as it is difficult to keep clean. I have recently recommended that a patient is allocated a room without soft furnishings, to reduce he...
- Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:55 pm
- Forum: general
- Topic: sore bottom!
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3726
Re: sore bottom!
Skin problems can be embarrassing, but it really is worth getting them checked out and treated properly. My hunch is that your GP needs to see it!