The Sleep Council - food & sleep 14-17 Sept 20


The Sleep Council teamed up with talkhealth to offer members the chance to ask questions and highlight any concerns regarding the relationship between food and sleep.

Go to this Online Clinic

The clinic is an online forum, please contact us if you’re unsure how it works!

Achieving a great night’s sleep can be affected by what you eat in the hours before bedtime. Certain foods are known to calm the brain and help promote sleep so eating the right things in the evening is definitely part of the recipe for a good night’s kip.

In this online expert clinic, Lisa Artis from The Sleep Council answered questions on what foods/drinks promote good sleep and which foods/drink are best avoided before bed. Lisa answered questions on Thursday 17 September. The clinic is now closed but you can view the questions and answers here. Read here for a summary article of the clinic.

Medical Experts

Lisa Artis

Deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity