Spinal Injuries Association

The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) is the leading national user-led charity for spinal cord injured (SCI) people. Being user led, we are well placed to understand the everyday needs of living with spinal cord injury and are here to meet those needs by providing key services to share information and experiences, and to campaign for change ensuring each person can lead a full and active life.We are here to support spinal cord injured people from the moment their spinal cord injury happens, and for the rest of their life.

Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is life changing. It can happen to anyone, at any time. Spinal cord injury often causes paralysis and can also affect many other aspects of a person’s health.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support all those affected by spinal cord injury by advising, educating and campaigning on their behalf.

SIA services

  • Offer support and assistance from the time of injury and for the rest of a paralysed person's life
  • Provide services to increase an individual's quality of life
  • Support the families of newly injured people
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of the causes and consequences of spinal cord injury
  • Campaign for the best medical and social care for spinal cord injured people.


For more information about SIA and spinal cord injury, including information on our services and fundraising challenges, visit www.spinal.co.uk.

You can contact the Freephone Advice Line on 0800 980 0501.

(Lines are open Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm)

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